Empowering Women in Chemistry: A Global Networking Event On February 12, 2019, at 9:30 am, researchers from the Chemistry Department at FCT-NOVA invite you to join their celebration of the Global Women’s Breakfast, in the Ágora Room at FCT NOVA. The event, entitled “Empowering Women in Chemistry: A Global Networking Event”, is part of the celebration of the centenary of IUPAC in 2019. This initiative, scattered throughout the world, aims to assist women chemists to expand their network of contacts, both locally and internationally. Women at different stages of their individual careers can inform each other about their career progress, and together explore opportunities, in professional development and in research or teaching horizons. The event, at FCT NOVA, is organized by Professors of the Chemistry Department: Ana Aguiar-Ricardo, Head of the Chemistry Department, Luísa Ferreira, Teresa Santos-Silva, Teresa Catarino and Isabel Esteves. As special guest Paulina Mata, Professor of Gastronomic Sciences at the Chemistry Department, will drive us through an history relating logic puzzles, IUPAC and a passion for food and cooking, that has chemistry as the central element. To participate in this event, please fill the following form until 11th of February at 12:00 pm. Places are limited.
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